Olive Oil School of Spain

Conversations ESAO Guide: José Miguel Herrero, General Director of the Food Industry

Written by Escuela Superior del Aceite de Oliva | 31/05/21 07:15

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José Miguel Herrero Velasco is the general director of the food industry. He has held different positions in the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. In addition, he is the author of several publications on distribution and consumption.

The Alimentos de España awards for the best extra virgin olive oil have been the current benchmark for detecting the best oils from Spain. Are the samples that are presented for the awards evolving or is the number of applicants maintained?

The Spanish Food Award for Best Extra Virgin Olive Oils began in 1998. After a history of 22 editions, it is well known in the olive sector. We consider that for this reason, in recent campaigns the number of samples has remained fairly stable, always with excellent quality. However, sometimes fluctuations are observed that may be related to how the oil quality is presented in a specific year due to weather conditions.


How important is the Spain Brand for European distributors and importers?

We have a powerful sector both in primary production and in the food industry, as well as exceptional Spanish Foods that respond to the needs of citizens, not only Spanish, but also European. We have fed and are feeding Europe in this covid-19 crisis. Food from Spain is highly recognized and valued in the world, hence our significant export figures. All this makes up the Spain brand in the field of food, a reference name that distributors and importers know very well.


What result are the strong promotional campaigns for Spanish Olive Oil giving?

Framed in the Food Strategy of Spain, an important promotional campaign has been launched, “THE RICHEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD”, with chef Jose Andrés as ambassador. Its objective is to connect the quality, closeness, proximity, diversity, richness, creativity, gastronomy and excellence of our food with the citizens; motivate them so that when they consume food from Spain they empathize with the work of our producers. It is about helping to value and consume the Foods of Spain and give the deserved prominence to the professionals of the sector as creators of them. And if Spain is "THE RICHEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD" it is thanks to the people who make possible "the great Spanish and European pantry". In this sense, it is indisputable that we are leaders in the olive oil market and that, therefore, it is a product that occupies an important place within this campaign, which is having a very notable reception and impact.



In addition, important promotional and communication actions around olive oil are being carried out at an international level. From the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, together with ICEX, we have launched an important promotional campaign, SPAIN FOOD NATION, where extra virgin olive oil also occupies an important place, with the aim of strengthening the image of quality and excellence of the Spanish agri-food sector. This action provides international agents with all the information necessary to promote the commercialization and improve the perception of Spanish products by investors, professionals and end consumers in certain target markets, such as: USA, Canada, United Kingdom, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Ireland, the Netherlands and Nordics, Russia, Southeast Asia with China and Japan, Korea, Taiwan and the Middle East. The campaign is having important impacts and results.

I would also like to point out that the Spanish Olive Oil Interprofessional is developing, with community co-financing, very successful European promotion programs. In this sense, recent news such as the lifting of tariffs in the United States have very positive repercussions for our exports.


There is no doubt that the food of Spain has a high quality, we have possibly unbeatable raw materials. In your opinion, what would the "Food from Spain" lack, in general, to increase its current position?

The Spanish food producing and processing sectors are making an important effort to position safe and high quality food in the market. This has been clearly seen in 2020 despite the complicated situation we are experiencing. Spanish consumers increasingly recognize this circumstance. However, both the sector and the administrations must continue to inform and communicate about it so that they continue to be valued and chosen.

On the other hand, our products have significant international recognition and are found in markets around the world. Spanish companies show an important push and the Ministry carries out promotional actions such as the aforementioned campaigns or participation in international fairs to promote the penetration of our products in international markets.


What would you ask of the Spanish olive oil producers if you had them all in front of you?

Spanish virgin olive oil producers work hard and, over the years, they have turned Spain into the mirror in which everyone looks at each other. Today they are a worldwide reference for the quality of the oils they produce. I would dare to tell them that this is the way, that they do not give up their efforts to continue being the best.


In your opinion, how important is the training of all professionals working in the agri-food sector in general and in agriculture in particular?

In a competitive and increasingly professionalized world, there is no doubt that it is essential that farmers and workers in the food sector and, ultimately, all of us in our jobs, must be as well prepared as possible to face the multiple challenges that arise. In this way, the chances of success will be more important.


How has the pandemic affected the promotion of food in Spain?

Promotion is a basic tool to influence the impulse to buy and encourage the consumption of products. It has a direct effect. Promotion actions are necessary and essential for the agri-food sector. And also, since they affect the trust of citizens, today they become fundamental activities.

Having more time at home has made us reconnect with cooking and food and better analyze what we eat and what we buy. In addition, the news about the excellent performance of the sector in the most difficult moments of the pandemic has allowed us to reflect on its very important work. Surely consumers now value food from Spain more.


And now, if possible, some personal notes. Do you have a variety of oil or olive that you particularly like?

It is difficult for me to answer this question because what I really appreciate is always a good balanced and correct virgin olive oil in aromas and flavor regardless of the variety to which it belongs. To make a suggestion, I would say that I savor with pleasure a salad made with oil from picual, hojiblanca or picuda olives that give it an important personality. For desserts and mayonnaise, I usually choose milder varieties. On the other hand, I must emphasize my weakness for aperitifs where the olive is the protagonist. In short, there are multiple options to enjoy.


What is your opinion on outstanding or high-end aoves (extra virgin olive oils)?

In my opinion, Spanish extra virgin olive oils are the best. For its quality, diversity and personality. Having oils from different ranges allows you to select the most suitable for each occasion. The most outstanding oils are always a delight and with them any dish improves and wins. In addition, they can generate greater added value, so it is important to make them known and have them on the shelves of the shops.

Any food can be a great gift. In fact, giving Food from Spain is an option that the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food seeks to make fashionable. We are the richest country in the world and we have great products among our foods, one of them is extra virgin olive oil. Of course, the winner is extraordinary but many others are at surprising levels of quality.

Among your close friends, is the culture of outstanding EVOOs penetrating or is it still early and they are far from knowing both the organoleptic and healthy properties?

Increasingly, consumers are deepening their knowledge of the quality of EVOO but we must continue to persevere so that it reaches most of society. We have been traveling this path for a long time by the sector and administrations hand in hand and in this sense we must continue working. Let's hope that the Spanish Food Awards for the Best Extra Virgin Olive Oils that the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food annually convene will contribute to generating culture about this product and promoting its consumption. 


* This conversation is an extract of the ESAO GUIDE, 2020/21 Edition. You can check the current guide here.

This guide collects the extra virgin olive oils awarded in the three most important competitions in the olive sector. In the ESAO GUIDE you can find:

  • ESAO Stars, a recognition of the quality of the most awarded oils.
  • The winners of the international competition Mario Solinas of the International Olive Council.
  • The winners of the Food of Spain awards, of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food of the Government of Spain  and
  • The winners at the ESAO Awards.
  • Interviews with personalities from the olive sector.