Green Cover in Olive Groves: Boosting Biodiversity and Sustainability

Weeds: A Historical Overview

Processes which you can obtain a productive olive grove

Listen to this article Your browser does not support the audio element. The olive tree produces abundant crops when there are no important limiting factors. The production in the olive tree is thus achieved by minimizing or eliminating limiting factors and not so much by...

Everything that our olive grove management training has to offer you

Listen to this article Your browser does not support the audio element. The quality of extra virgin olive oil begins in the field. The selection of the best plot in the olive grove, the optimum moment to harvest the olive and the limiting factors of the olive grove will...

What is the organic olive grove?

Listen to this article Your browser does not support the audio element. An ecological olive grove is one in which the management tries to be sustainable and respectful with the environment. Said management will be demonstrable through a certifying company. Synthetic chemicals,...

What is the recommended frequency for olive trees irrigation?

Listen to this article Your browser does not support the audio element. The olive tree has a behavior with respect to water very different from that of most crops, since it develops its greatest physiological efforts not in summer, but in spring and autumn.

What are the most common diseases in olive trees?

Listen to this article Your browser does not support the audio element. Generally, the less extreme the summer and winter temperatures, and the higher the relative humidity throughout the year, the higher the incidence of pests and diseases in the olive grove. The olive grove on...

High temperatures during the olive tree flowering

On many occasions, we are arriving at the end of May in Spain suffering periods of temperatures about 5ºC higher than the average for those dates. Depending on the elevation above sea level, there will be olive trees in the moment of setting new fruits, opening the flower or...

Critical moment: Olive sprouting

Listen to this article Your browser does not support the audio element. Between February and May, depending on the winter temperatures to which the olive tree is subjected, the sprouting of the flower buds occurs and the most important flux of vegetative growth of the year...

Common pests in the olive tree

Listen to this article Your browser does not support the audio element. Here are the main common pests that can affect olive trees and our recommendations to treat them. Olive tree mite (Aceria oleae) Prays oleae Glyphs (Margaronia unionalis) Olive weevil beetle (Otiorhynchus...

Mechanical removal

Listen to this article Your browser does not support the audio element. The mechanical removal is the system used above all in organic olive groves. The necessary weeding is done to keep herbaceous plants at a minimum. In this system very high levels of organic matter is...

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